Dawn is a National Champion in 3 Sports in 2 Countries
3 time Canadian National Bodybuilding Champion
Canadian National Champion Mixed Pairs Bodybuilding
US National Powerlifting Champion
1991 United States (I.P.F) National Champion Powerlifter
Best lifts in "International Powerlifting Federation" meet:
Squat 467 lbs, Bench 253 lbs, Deadlift 501, Total 1221 lbs
Some of Dawn's Bodybuilding Titles include:
2017 Canadian Grand Masters Champion
2017 Canadian Heavy wt Champion
2016 Canadian Champion Mixed Pairs Bodybuilding
2016 North American Champion 35+
2016 Canadian Nationals Grand Masters 2nd Place
2016 Canadian Nationals Heavy wt 3rd Place
2016 BC 2nd Place Champion Mixed Pairs Bodybuilding
2013 Canadian Grand Masters NATIONAL CHAMPION
2013 Canadian Nationals 2nd Place Heavy Wt Champ
2013 North American 2nd Place Masters Champion
2013 North American 3rd Place Heavy wt Champion
2012 Canadian Grand Masters 5th Place Champ
2011 Canadian Grand Masters 3rd Place Champion
2011 Canadian Nationals 7th Place Heavy Wt Champ
2010 Canadian Masters Heavy wt 3rd Place Champion
2010 Canadian Heavy wt 6th Place Champion
2009 Canadian Masters 8th Place Champion
2009 Canadian Nationals Heavy wt 13th Place
2008 BC Championships Overall Champion
2008 BC Championships Heavyweight
2008 BC Championships
Masters Champion
2008 BC Championships Overall
Best Poser Champion
1995 Western Canadian
Championships 2nd place Hvywt
1995 & 99 BC Championships 2nd place Hvywt & Mid wt
1995 Iron Ore Heavyweight & Overall Champion
1994 Golds Classic, Victoria, BC competitor
1992 Lackland Classic, TEXAS 2nd Place Middle wt
YOU have the seeds of excellence within YOU!
How far these seeds may grow depends on
the instruction YOU receive.
Mission Statement
I help my clients clearly visualize, and set a goal,
make a plan
and achieve THEIR GOAL!!
Certifications and Education
BCRPA Personal Trainer
Additional Training & Qualifications
• Currently training under IFBB Pro, one of the Top Trainers in the World George Farah

• Trained under the guidance of:
- IFBB Pro George Farah
- IFBB Pro Kat Sator
- IFBB Pro Greg Kovacs
- IFBB Pro Athena Siganakis
- Diet Coach Noel Fuller
- 7 x Ms.Olympia IFBB Pro Iris Kyle
- World Renowned Trainer Dave Palumbo
- IFBB Pro Carlos Rabiei
- IFBB Pro Darren Toma
- Bodybuildings Top Nutritionist Chris Aceto
- Powerlifting Legend Doug Young
Noel Fuller
Noel was named RX Muscle Diet Guru September 2011
Also: Nominated in 3rd Annual FitGems Trainer of the Year
among other notable trainers as Kim Oddo & Jack Titone.

IFBB Pro Athena Siganakis

IFBB Pro Greg Kovacs
In the latter half of the 1990s, Greg Kovacs was the largest
pro bodybuilder. He had an off-season weight of 420 pounds
and his arms measured over 25 inches, his chest 60 inches,
and his waist 50 inches Kovacs earned his IFBB Pro Card in 1996.

IFBB Pro Iris Kyle
Iris is bar none the greatest female bodybuilder of our time.
Iris has won 7 Ms. Olympia titles, and has 8 wins in her weight class.
In 2000, she won the heavyweight class, but lost the overall
Ms. Olympia title to the lightweight winner Juliette Bergmann.

Dave Palumbo
World Renowed Trainer. He operates a bodybuilding
magazine website, rxmuscle.com, which examines all aspects of training,
competing, and nutrition as well as radio and TV programming.
He is also the owner of Species Nutrition.
IFBB PRO Carlos Rabiei

Chris Aceto
Chris Aceto BS, a National and International expert in the field of
nutrition for bodybuilding. One of Bodybuildings top Nutritionists,
nickname “The Technician” Chris has guided the careers of countless
professional bodybuilders over the past two decades. His innovative
nutrition and diet strategies combined with his ability to demystify
the complexities of bodybuilding nutrition and training have made him
highly sought after. He has been a contributing writer for RXMuscle.com,
Muscle and Fitness, Flex,Iron Man and several other publications.
He is currently a contributing writer for Muscle Mag and President of Procard Nutrition.

Doug Young
Dawn trained for 5 yrs under the guidance of Powerlifting Legend... Doug Young
3 time World Champion Powerlifter & 3 time World Record Holder in the Bench.
Doug was the first man in history to Bench Press over 600 lbs weighing
less than 300 lbs bodyweight. Doug was also in the Guinness Book of World Records
with his old brother Bob Young for pulling the 2 man deadlift world record.
Client Specialty Focus
• Body Transformation
• Nutrition
• Fat Loss & Muscle Gain
• Competition Preparation
Bodybuilding & Strength ~ Figure & Fitness
• Through motivation, education...
overcoming barriers & accountability
Words of Wisdom
“If YOU can see it, YOU can be it!”
“It’s better to spend years searching for the right teacher,
study under the wrong one!”