Contest Prep
Contest Prep for Figure, Fitness, Bikini, Mens & Womens Physique, Bodybuilding
from Beginners to National Level from Juniors to Grand Masters.
When it comes to Contest Prep I leave no stone unturned.
You don't need to worry about anything,
just follow instructions and you will be CONTEST READY on YOUR Big Day !
I hold Posing Practice twice a week every week, year round,
which is free of charge to my clients.
Posing is very important and the more you practice the better you become.
It can make a good physique look bad
and a bad physique look good,
all by the way you pose.
Also it's a great source of support and community
where you meet people of like minds who have the same goal as yourself.
Other members of the TEAM become great support for you on your journey!
You are sent a "To Do List"
which fully details what you need to do, when, where etc.,
which also helps you budget all the costs.
I tell you what type of shoes to get and where to get them.
I go with you to pick out your fabric
because colour and type of fabric is very important.
I have someone to custom make your suit for you
and I go with you to all your suit fittings
to make sure your suit fits you perfectly.
I help you with rhinestone choices.
I help you with jewellery choices.
I spray tan my competitors myself
to make sure your colour is perfect.
I have the Jan Tana Airbrush System.
I have a team of volunteers that touch your tan up
and prep you before both a.m. and p.m. shows.
I have a PROFESSIONAL Makeup Artist & Hair Stylists
that take care of my TEAM for each show.
I have other Health/Beauty/Photography Professionals to assist you in bringing your best to the stage:
- Kinesiologists (fascial stretching)
- ROLFING/Deep Tissue Massage
- Chiropractor
- Waxing, etc.
- Photography for stage and private shoots
I have someone to Professionally mix your music for you.
I also have a few great choreographers to help you design your routine to music.
I am available 24-seven for support via text and email
I send out daily motivation via email to my clients
I'm with you every step of the way.
All the way through your prep and of course at your show contest day.
I'm always in the audiance coaching
(all my competitors say they can hear me when they are onstage).
Any other questions please feel free to ask!